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As a result, the Reds and Blues and Carolina go on a mission to the separate crash sites, while Dr. When the group analyze Grif's Suppressor, Emily quickly discovers the connection between it and the Teleportation Grenades. There, she treats Carolina's wound and learns the truth behind the Space Pirates' actions towards the Chorus Civil War.

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When she sees Wash and Carolina with the Reds and Blues in the battle, she runs towards them but is caught in the radius of a Teleportation Cube utilized by Carolina, and is sent to a secret Forest Base along with them. Outpost 37 is attacked by Locus and his team of mercenaries, forcing Grey to hide in her office.

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She then formally introduces herself to the group before stating they'll be shipped off the next day. Weeks later, F.A.C. Afterwards, she helps treat General Donald Doyle after he faints and later defends the Reds and Blues from Locus when he makes them feel uncomfortable.

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Role in Plot Meeting the Reds and Blues Įmily is first heard performing surgery on Washington, saving him from a hallucination that was induced by Locus during The Federal Army of Chorus.

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